Install eXpansion on Windows

While editing config files please do not use windows notepad. Download a more “generic” tool such as Notepad++ to edit te files.

Install wamp

We will start by installing wamp, this will basically install

  • PHP
  • Mysql

Which we need.

  1. Download 32-bit wamp from:
  2. Execute the installer
  3. Change php version to 7.1.* at wamp-menu. * here is can be any number depending on the php version that came with wamp. Exemple 7.1.16
  4. Edit c:\wamp\bin\php\php7.1.*\php.ini and search for dotnet (as above the * can be any number such as 7.1.16

remove the ; before line ;extension=php_com_dotnet.dll example:


then search for [COM] and remove ; from ;com.allow_dcom = true example:

; allow Distributed-COM calls
com.allow_dcom = true

save file.

Know issues

VCRUNTIME140.dll not found

  1. Install following on your computer :
  2. Uninstall wamp
  3. Restart computer
  4. Reinstall wamp.

Class ‘COM’ not found

  "error" => Error {
    #message: "Class 'COM' not found",
    #code: 0,
    #file: "C:\dedicated\exp2\vendor\oliverde8\asynchronous-jobs\src\AsynchronousJobs\JobRunner.php",
    #line: 78,

In case you installed 64bit version of wamp, you’ll get following error, this can be fixed. Uninstall 64-bit version and installi 32-bit version shoud fix, othervice check that the following extension is installed at your php.ini:



Install composer

  1. Download installer from :
  2. Execute the installer
  3. At one point you will have chose the command line php you want to use.
    • Chose php 7.1

Download eXpansion

Download a copy of expansion from our download page

Extract the sources somewhere on your computer. The file path should idealy be simple without spaces or special characters.

Exemple : c:/expansion or c:/wamp/projects/expansion

Configure eXpansion

eXpansion2 is a symfony application before anything else, there are therefore a lot of symfony related configurations. We will ignore all this configuration and only bother about what is necessary by eXpansion.

Configuration can be found in app/config directory. Configuration that interests us are in the fallowing files :

  • parameters.yml
  • expansion.yml
  • bundles.yml

If you have not done so already rename the :

  • parameters.yml.dist to parameters.yml.
  • expansion.yml.dist to expansion.yml.
  • bundles.yml.dist to bundles.yml.

The following part of the parameters.yml file interests us at first:

    database_driver: mysql
    database_host: mysql
    database_port: ~
    database_name: expansion
    database_user: root
    database_password: ~

    dedicated_host: dedicated
    dedicated_port: 5000
    dedicated_timeout: 5
    dedicated_user: SuperAdmin
    dedicated_password: SuperAdmin
    dedicated_connection_type: local

Database configurations

  • database_driver : Database driver to use. eXpansion was tested on mysql but should work with other databases as well (mysql/sqlite/pgsql/oracle)

  • database_host : Host or Ip to connect to the database. If you are using wamp/xamp it’s probably localhost or

  • database_port : if at null(~) default will be used

  • database_name : Name of the database to use. eXpansion should have it’s own database and not share it!

  • database_user : User to connect to the database, this user should be able to create tables as eXpansion intalls it’s own schema |

  • database_password : Password to connect to thed database.

Dedicated server configurations

  • dedicated_host : Host or ip to connect to the dedicated. If you are using wamp/xampp it’s probably localhost or

  • dedicated_port : The xmlrpc port configured in the dedicated config file

  • dedicated_timeout : Max timeout time, should not be changed

  • dedicated_password : Unless specific use case it’s needs to be SuperAdmin

  • dedicated_connection_type : local if the dedicated is on the same machine as eXpansion. remote if not See section below if you configured it as remote.

Configure a MasterAdmin

In this file replace login1 by your own login. You may add as many logins as you wish on multiple lines. The admins configured here are constant, they can’t be altered ingame. You will be able to add new admins ingame. Example:


            label: Master Admin
                - login1
                - login2
            permissions: [] # Master_admin has always all permissions.
            label: Admin
            logins: []
              - next
              - restart

Enabling disabling Bundles

You can enable and disable a bundle in the bundles.yml file. The bundles.yml.dist File contains the list of all available bundles.

Lines starting with # are commented and therefore those bundles will not be loaded

Example :

#  - \eXpansion\Bundle\LocalMapRatings\LocalMapRatingsBundle

For more information check : Configure eXpansion

Startup eXpansion

To start expansion double click on the run.bat file in the bin directory.

This will install/update eXpansion and all it’s dependencies.

Update eXpansion

Alpha1 has an issue and the update.bat is missing in bin!

Double click on the update.bat file in the bin directory.