Helper : Translations

  • Autowire : TRUE This service can be autowired into your services.
  • Class : eXpansion\Framework\AdminGroups\Helpers\Translations

This service will help fetching translations. The Symfony translator service is built to deliver translations for a website, which means the format might not exactly bee what is needed. The helper will help with that.

Method Description
getTranslation Get a certain message in a certain language.
  id : The message key to be translate.
  Parameters : List of parameters to insert into the trasnlation variables.
  Locale : The locale to fetch the translation into.
getTranslations Get array of all translations. When sending a message or a manialink to multiple users at the same time, you need to send a table propelry structured where languages are sorted. This will return an associative array to be used to send chat messages or in manialinks.
  id : The message key to be translate.
  Parameters : List of parameters to insert into the trasnlation variables.

Tip: In dev mode symfony will log all missing translations

The translation helper service will also allow you to add decorations & glyph icons to your messages.

To use a decorationn you need to write the name of the decoration between { and }’s

For glyph’s between two pipes(|).


  • {error} : Will allow all content that fallows to be red
  • |success| : Will add a check icon.

List of default decorations

// TODo decorations are still in fluctuation.

List of default glyph’s

// TODo decorations are still in fluctuation.

Defining a new decoration & glyph.

// TODO the code doing this will change.