UI Elements

  • Autowire: TRUE This service can be autowired into your services.
  • Class: eXpansion\Framework\Gui\Ui\Factory

eXpansion2 has some custom FML elements written to help you build your ui. These are accessible through a factory. The idea is to normalize the display in all the manialinks of the controller.

All Widget & Windows factories has the UI Factory and Action Factory pre-defined in them. The factory can be used with:

$this->uiFactory->createSomething($argument1, $argument2, ...);

The idea of using a factory service is that this allows any bundle developer to override our elements to completely redesign eXpansion.


usage differs only a little from FML native label:

namespace mybundle\example\plugins\example;
use eXpansion\Framework\Gui\Components\Label;

class myWindowFactory {
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
        $label = $this->uiFactory->createLabel('text', Label::TYPE_NORMAL);

type can be: Label::TYPE_NORMAL, Label::TYPE_TITLE, Label::TYPE_HEADER


Create easily clickable buttons.


namespace mybundle\example\plugins\example;
use eXpansion\Framework\Gui\Components\Button;

class myWindowFactory {
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
        $button = $this->uiFactory->createButton('apply', Button::TYPE_DECORATED);
            $this->actionFactory->createManialinkAction($manialink, [$this, "callbackApply"],[])


  1. button label
  2. type
  3. manialink id

types: Button::TYPE_DEFAULT default button, Button::TYPE_DECORATED button with frame.

methods: setText('string), setTextColor('rrggbbbaa'),setBackgroundColor('rrggbbbaa'), setFocusColor(), setBorderColor(), setAction()


Creates a checkbox.

To receive values, you need to add button with callback.


namespace mybundle\example\plugins\example;

use eXpansion\Framework\Gui\Components\Button; 

class myWindowFactory {
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
        $checkbox = $this->uiFactory->createCheckbox('enable option', 'checkboxName');
        $sendbutton = $this->uiFactory->createButton("Send", Button::TYPE_DECORATED);
        $sendbutton->setAction($this->actionFactory->createManialinkAction($manialink, [$this, 'myButtonCallback'], []));

    function myButtonCallback($manialink, $login, $entries, $args) 
        if (isset($entries['checkboxName']) && $entries['checkboxName'] == "1") {
            // checkbox is active
        else {
            // checkbox is passive    

Checkbox returns $parameters: key as name and value of string “0” or “1”


Create input fields. You can have password field masked by ** changing the type to uiInput::TYPE_PASSWORD


$input = $this->uiFactory->createInput("name", "", 60, Input::TYPE_BASIC);

  1. name for entry to return
  2. default value
  3. width
  4. type

Types: uiInput:TYPE_BASIC, uiInput::TYPE_PASSWORD


Create password field with a button to toggle masked/normal contents.


$input = $this->uiFactory->createInputMasked("name", "", 60);

  1. name for entry to return
  2. default value
  3. width


Create multiline input field


$textbox = $this->uiFactory->createTextbox("name", "", 3,60);

  1. name for entry to return
  2. default value
  3. lines
  4. width


namespace mybundle\example\plugins\example;

use eXpansion\Framework\Gui\Components\Button; 

class myWindowFactory {
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
        $dropdown = $this->uiFactory->createDropdown('myDropdown', ["tech" => "techmap", "lol" => "roflmap"], -1);   
        $sendbutton = $this->uiFactory->createButton("Send", Button::TYPE_DECORATED);
        $sendbutton->setAction($this->actionFactory->createManialinkAction($manialink, [$this, 'callbackMyButton'], []));
    public function callbackMyButton($manialink, $login, $entries, $args) 
         if (isset($entries['myDropdown'])) {
            $selection = $entries['myDropdown'];   // will return "", "techmap" or "roflmap"
            echo $login . " selected: ". $selection . "\n";



Draws a line based on starting point and (angle + length) or ending point

namespace mybundle\example\plugins\example;

class myWindowFactory {
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
        $line1 = $this->uiFactory->createLine(0,0);
        $line2 = $this->uiFactory->createLine(0,0);

UI Helpers


You can easily add animations to FML elements that implements class of \FML\Controls\Control, only label of uiElements is currently supported. Frames, Quads and Labels are good to animate.

    // create animation helper
    $animation= $this->uiFactory->createAnimation();
    $label = $this->uiFactory->createLabel("test");
    $animation->addAnimation($label, "opacity='1'", 1000, 0, "Linear");

addAnimation(control, animations, length, delay, easing)

  1. Control for animation to be added
  2. animation properties, you can automate xml properties of the control: normally opacity, scale and pos,
  3. animation length in milliseconds
  4. animation delay in milliseconds
  5. easing function, string or const

Valid easings are defined as const for uiAnimation, you can use also string. You can preview easing functions at www.easings.net.

Easing Supported types
Linear Linear
Quad QuadIn,QuadOut,QuadInOut
Cubic CubicIn,CubicOut,CubicInOut
Quart QuartIn,QuartOut,QuartInOut
Quint QuintIn,QuintOut, QuintInOut
Sine SineIn,SineOut,SineInOut
Exp ExpIn,ExpOut,ExpInOut
Circ CircIn,CircOut,CircInOut
Back BackIn,BackOut,BackInOut
Elastic ElasticIn,ElasticOut,ElasticInOut
Bounce BounceIn,BounceOut,BounceInOut


You can easily add tooltips to any FML or uiElements.

    // create tooltip helper
    $tooltip = $this->uiFactory->createTooltip();
    $btn = $this->uiFactory->createButton("Apply", Button::TYPE_DECORATED);
    $tooltip->addTooltip($btn, "Tooltip example 1");   
    $btn = $this->uiFactory->createButton("Cancel", Button::TYPE_DECORATED);
    $tooltip->addTooltip($btn, "Tooltip example 2");


  1. uiElement or FML control
  2. tooltip text

Layout builders

Layout builders are helper classes to position elements more easily! Layouts can take any Renderable uiComponent, which has predefined size. You can also add lines to row or vice versa.


namespace mybundle\example\plugins\example;

class myWindowFactory {
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
       // best practise to add multiple elements
        $row = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutRow(0, 0, [], 2);
            $this->uiFactory->createCheckbox("test checkbox 1", "checkbox1"),
            $this->uiFactory->createButton("button 1"),  
        // add using constructor array
        $checkbox = $this->uiFactory->createCheckbox("test checkbox 1", "checkbox1");
        $checkbox2 = $this->uiFactory->createCheckbox("test checkbox 2", "checkbox2");
        $manialink->addChild($this->uiFactory->createLayoutRow(0, 0, [$checkbox, $checkbox2], 0));
        // or add one by one
        $rowHelper = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutRow(0, -$row->getHeight(), [], 1); // initialize with empty array
        for ($x = 0; $x < 10; $x++) {
            $btn = $this->uiFactory->createCheckbox('box'.$x, 'cb_'.$x);


Creates layout of elements next to each other.

namespace mybundle\example\plugins\example;

use eXpansion\Framework\Gui\Components\Button;

class myWindowFactory {
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
        // best practise to add multiple elements 
        $row = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutRow(0, 0, [], 0);
            $this->uiFactory->createButton("Cancel", Button::TYPE_DECORATED)
        // or add one by one
        $lineHelper = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutLine(0, -9, [], 1); // initialize with empty array
        for ($x = 0; $x < 10; $x++) {
            $btn = $this->uiFactory->createButton('btn'.$x, 'btn_'.$x);
            $lineHelper->addChild($btn); // then add 


Creates a scrollable area.

    $content = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutRow(55, 0, [], 1);    
    for ($x = 0; $x < 10; $x++) {
        $btn = $this->uiFactory->createCheckbox('box'.$x, 'cb_'.$x);
    $scrollable = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutScrollable($content, 40, 30);
    $scrollable->setAxis(true, true); // set x and y axis available.


  1. Frame or uiLayout
  2. width
  3. heigth

Complex example

namespace mybundle\example\plugins\example;

use eXpansion\Framework\Gui\Components\Button;

class myWindowFactory {
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
       $checkbox = $this->uiFactory->createCheckbox("test checkbox 1", "checkbox1");
       $checkbox2 = $this->uiFactory->createCheckbox("test checkbox 2", "checkbox2");
       $line1 = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutRow(0, 0, [$checkbox, $checkbox2], 0);   // sum the two ui components to a line

       $ok = $this->uiFactory->createButton("Apply", Button::TYPE_DECORATED);
       $ok->setAction($this->actionFactory->createManialinkAction($manialink, [$this, 'callbackButton'], ["type" => "ok"]));

       $cancel = $this->uiFactory->createButton("Cancel");
       $cancel->setAction($this->actionFactory->createManialinkAction($manialink, [$this, 'callbackButton'], ["type" => "cancel"]));
       $line2 = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutLine(0, 0, [$ok, $cancel], 1); // sum the two ui components to second line 
       $row = $this->uiFactory->createLayoutRow(0, -10, [$line1, $line2], 0);  // make two rows of the lines